Closing my eyes in the dark and quiet room helped my imagination and other sense kick in better. I’m a physical touch guy, so imagining physical kissing from her wet mouth REALLY got me going and the sound of her wet pussy riding up and down was nice as well. If I’m not mistaken, this is my first time trying erotica asmr instead of visual porn. Not bad
Much better than video porn for me
Nah dog…that’s a no for me
I would enjoy a flirty date scenario, where the audio is conversational but sexually charged
I was surprised by how aroused thi made me. As i am a little older, i would prefer a different scena.
It didn’t do much for me until I heard how wet she got and what sounded like her cumming. Everything else sounded cringy and staged
Audio porn is the best tbh
It was too long and I don’t get any privacy to listen. Likewise I don’t get any privacy to watch porn either so I don’t. I’m not sure porn is an issue at all for me.
I didn’t get any arousal from it
I am surprised. I actually enjoyed it. My erections kept coming an going though.
Wow that was surprisingly super exciting
I was surprised at how well this worked for me. I was aroused throughout the audio.
Had a daaamn good hard on from it throughout to the end"
More fun than visual porn. Less anxiety
I had an erection at some points throughout this experience but the submissive scene perhaps didn’t do it for me fully
Felt a lot more personal
Good to get out of the visual and rely other sense
Super arousing & fun, but I don’t think this would help you connect with a real woman
A better erection than I have had from visual porn, and more importantly - feelings of arousal where porn just tends to be a quick fix with little emotional stimulus