More texting with simmering messages and additional passionate activities
I’d like to try more passionate greetings and goodbyes. I’m also not great at flirtatious touching throughout our meetings.
I’m unsure how to message in a more flirty way without seeming awkward
Try line up some dates
Texting and then work into greetings
Be more flirty and fun with dates, imagine their pictures before meeting them and what sex might be like
I think my wife and I have already been doing something similar to this, just unconsciously. Being flirty and touchy (while respecting her boundaries) usually works. I think a little bit of sexting and dirty thoughts of my wife when I’m away from her will help spice things up.
I want to try kissing and touching their face, as well as stroking his hair
I think I currently practice this! I just never have put a name to it…
I am a huge believer in letting my partner know the little things that I appreciate and turn me on.
I can also be a huge tease and I know she likes that too. Especially if we both will be spending some time away from one another.
Hair stroking, caressing her face, telling her she looks beautiful. All of these things make me feel good, because it helps to make her feel good.
More intense kisses when greeting or saying goodbye. I do a bit of simmering although I didn’t have a name for it. Playful things like an intense hug which turns into grabbing her bum.
Labido is always higher in a relationship than out, but this would help a lot in a relationship. I struggle to see how it works single
Eye contact and touch
On it moment by moment
I really like sexting, so maybe the odd saucy message would work. I’m a little apprehensive at this concept though - it’s true that the last few weeks have been a particular lull and this could give both of our libido a boost, but these are all things my husband and I usually do, and they don’t seem to translate into improvements in the bedroom. I’m beginning to get worried that I’m just not as attracted to him as I thought I was.
When im out and about and i see someone attractive, i get a little anxious. I think that is a cue to simmering, it doesnt mean i have to action it but fantasising a bit and fortifying what you like sounds like itll keep your libido warm.
Yeah, gotta get out of the threat of sex mindset!
Easy when seeing someone attractive but frustrating when there’s no one to express those libidonous feelings with.
Making more of an effort to compliment my partner throughout the day and simmer a few times a day
Do more playful touching, things I know she likes. Like grabbing her but when I hug her.
Cute messages, not asking for a kiss anymore. Just taking that kiss
Cute messages